Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Naughty Boy Rusty!!

Well You may ask how you could be mad at Rusty Boy?? Well, I will tell you. Dad and I were in the computer room and saw a dog walking past the window. We both thought is was Zobie who frequently walks by on his way to get a treat from us. But no! It was Rusty Boy!! We both wondered how this could be since he was in the side yard. We thought the gate must have gotten open or something so we went out to check. Lo and behold Rusty had pushed the wire fencing away from the white fence and crawled to freedom!! He broke the plastic ties that hold the fence to the white fence!! We checked his feet and face and couldn't see any scratches or anything. What is this dog thinking??? He has a beautiful yard to play and run in and why would he try so hard to escape???? Naughty boy Rusty! The proof is in the pictures. You can see the messed up fence. We will have to reinforce the fence with wire ties and put a heavier guage wire fence in its place. Bad Dog!


Nic & Kandis said...

Ha ha...Rusty does look a little guilty in the picture. Was this right after you punished him?

Mark & Shalon said...

rusty is so cute.