Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I think we did it!!!

For those of you who live away from the state of California as of early this morning, it looks like Prop 8 will pass!! We are so excited for the results to be finalized so we can preserve marriage as a union between 1 man and 1 woman. It was a nasty fight (as some of you know) and hopefully we will be able to hold our heads high knowing we did everything that was asked of us to keep marriage sacred. Yesterday, a very serious add from the No campaign was aired on CNN and was directed at our church. They were asked to not air the commercial and they refused. It is on utube now and is quite disturbing. We know the fight is not over yet and the No side vows to appeal again what the people have voted on. We will see what will happen. We were very happy to see that Florida and Arizona passed their propositions for the same issue and have put into their state constitutions that a marriage is between a man and a woman. Hopefully the rest of the US will follow suit and hopefully the Federal Government!! (Not likely since we have a new President!) Well, for now we will stay in California and not move out like we were thinking we would have to do!! I feel like I should be standing on the corner with a sign that says Thank You for voting for Prop 8!!


Alexis said...

We are glad to hear that it passed! Hopefully this issue will disolve away and things can get back to normal. Thanks for fighting for the right!

Grandmagretzky said...

Thanks for fighting the good fight and standing for truth and righteousness!

The Kelly Family said...

Yeah for prop 8 passing. Too bad we haven't seen the end of this battle. I just made our blog private. Send me an email and I'll send you an invite.

Jay and Gwen Sessions said...

You go girl! I have a feeling this is only the beginning. Hope-fully we have raised STRONG kids to fight future battles. It's amazing how strong the opposition is "after the fact"!

Stacie said...

We just watched that ad on you tube, how disturbing! I bet you guys heard it all as you were out there standing on the corner. Way to go!