Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So Grateful

I can't let another day go by without posting about the wonderful conference we heard on Saturday and Sunday. I was filled with emotion (not surprised!) as the prophet and apostles spoke to us and of course the music by the choir was amazing. It is so cool to see my brother sit in the choir seats and be singing with such a great group of people. We are so blessed to have a living prophet to give us direction every six months at the general conferences that we get to hear. It was so good to hear such positive direction for us to follow and know that our Heavenly Father knows and wants us to succeed in this life. I really enjoyed the talks and especially the talks about the temple and the importance of attending and renewing our covenants in that holy house. I feel so blessed to be able to work in the temple every week and feel the spirit that comes from being there. I have learned so much from the people that I work with and am truly blessed by their friendship and love. I am also so blessed to have such a wonderful family that I love so much. What a blessing to know that we will be an eternal family for the eternities because of the blessings of the temple. I felt the spirit so strongly when the choir sang We Thank Thee O God for A Prophet. I know that President Monson is our true prophet of God and he is to give us direction in our lives. We are not to fear if we have faith and do what we have been counseled to do. It is never to late to change habits, ideas, or whatever needs to be changed to become better followers of Christ in our lives. I truly believe that service is the key to happiness. No matter what we have in this life we can always give of our time and talents to make others happy and help in some way. We have been so blessed with things in our lives but the best things in life are not things. They are the joys of a wonderful posterity that I have and the examples they are to me. I hope we can all take the time to truly look at all the blessings that we have in this life and share something with others, no matter how big or small that may be.


Grandmagretzky said...

Amen, sis-tah! I had my kleenex handy watching conference...it was great. And I love seeing Wayne in the choir seats. That makes me bawl too!

Alexis said...

Conference is always great, I always look forward to hear what counsel the apostles have for us. It just renews your hope and faith, and gives you the extra boost to try a little harder and me a little better. I cried a couple of times too, which is not expected from me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Jay and Gwen Sessions said...

What a great testimony of conference. What are you some kind of a in-tune temple worker? The first talk was our favoite about Provident Providers which was a new term for us. The theme in these difficult times seems to have been...other's have had it worse and have faith.