Saturday, April 10, 2010

A great day for Zip and Sid

Look at all of these pheasants!! 16 to be exact. Sid was asked to be part of a special hunt at the pheasant club and so this was an extra Saturday for Sid and Zip to have some fun. I think Sid was the highest shooter of the day and he would have gotten more if he didn't run out of shells!

You can see Zip licking his chops at the birds. It was a real test of Sid's strength to keep him away from these birds. He wanted to roll all over them and pick them up and play with them.
Zip looks like he is saying thank's Sid for taking me hunting. You are the best! We just love seeing Zip point those birds and he never seems to get tired. If it is hot he will get tired but it was a cool and breezy day today so perfect for both of them.


Alexis said...

Great shot Dad! I hope you have a lot of different recipes for using pheasant.

Anonymous said...

Looks like we know whats on the menu at your house for the next month. =)


Kristin Rose said...

Way to go Dad and Zip. Time to get a cookbook on ways to cook pheasant. Have fun Mom and Dad creating some delicious meals. Watch out for the bebes when you eat them!